Friday 8 April 2011

Top Ten Reasons to Not Take the Train in Malaysia

These are the Chinese shophouses in Singapore, part of the architecture that is sadly so rare as it does not fit into Singapore's idea of the modern sterile city -- unfortunate because they are so beautiful.

Satay ordered by Hannah at newton Circus..super tiny and super yummy. Take too long to take the photo and -- poof -- there are only two left.

Word of the day: Ekspress (express)
(So, these are not in any particular order...that would require serious brain effort)
Reason No. 10.
The Malaysian horror film featuring cheesy Malaysian teenage camp songs and an unfortunately aggressive grandmother with bad teeth wielding an axe as she and her deformed son run rampant in the jungle.

Reason  No. 9.
The tiny stale piece of banana bread offered along with a bottle of water, the one sole food option during the 7-hour trip.

Reason  No. 8.
The fact that the bus takes 5 hours, costs less, has wider, more comfortable seats and offers a delicious packed lunch to its passengers.

Reason  No. 7.
When your hosts in KL look at you in a puzzled fashion and ask ‘Why on earth did you take the train?’

Reason  No.6.
The interior of the first class coach looks like the interior of a fourth class delivery truck.

Reason  No. 5.
The grandmother sitting across from you, in full Muslim garb, is straining her neck to get a better view of the slasher film she apparently seems to be enjoying.

Reason  No. 4.
Your meal tray – for your imaginary meal – seems to be permanently jammed inside your arm rest.

Reason  No. 3.
As you board the train, you discover that the first class coach is, in fact, the furthest coach away.

Reason  No.2.
No sooner have you boarded the train than you have to disembark, walk through customs, walk the full length of the customs building only to return back outside and once again, walk the full length of the train to get back to your so-called first class coach.

Reason  No. 1.
Ekspres is not, in fact, Express, no matter how you spell it.

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