Friday 8 April 2011

photos coming soon...and order of events

Hi again bloggroupies,

Just a quick note to say that the order to read that slew of blogs in...start with the Top Ten, then the Raju one, then the Driving one, and the last one is the Slow Boat one. I guess you have to actually read them from the bottom up. Apologies...wasn't sure how that would work, given I uploaded too many blogs at once.

Also, there are pictures coming, I promise. Have downloaded all our pics onto the hard drive, so now just have to pick and choose.

It is Saturday morning here and we are going to attempt more shopping (food, clothes and batik) -- the market here in KT is where it's at, apparently. Yesterday, everything was closed except for one market because here Friday and Saturday is the weekend, and Friday most places are closed (major stores, pharmacies, post office, etc). We had no idea! Doesnt't happen in KL because it is larger, more metropolitan city, but here Fridays and Saturdays are weekend, Sunday is considered first day of week.

Had a massive short rainstorm this morning, after waking up to the amplified call to prayer across the city, by the imam at 5am. I responded with a call to the laptop, in the dark, until the children woke up. So, as I mentioned, photos coming soon!!!

Big hugs to all,


  1. Great photos and descriptions - keep going - love them. Hugs to the boys and Hannah.......Mum

  2. Hi guys awesome blog its sunday the tenth and I just read all your postings minus of course the first one. I'm really enjoying it and I hope having a blast, it certainly seems you are.

    Till next time,

