Tuesday 29 March 2011


Word of the day: kupu-kupu (butterflies)

Speeches attended: check.
Grabbed tea at Molo's en route to errands: check.
Canadian hockey shirts for host's children picked up from Sears counter in Chelsea: check.
2 bags of pellets for pellet stove bought for last 24 hrs: check.
Grabbed new swimsuit for Jordan: check.
Cocoa Camino white chocolate caramel crunch appears to be AWOL. So have 2 bars Cocoa Camino plain white, and 2 bars Lindt hazelnut caramel milk chocolate. Here's hoping whichever family member in Malaysia requested this survives the oversight.
Catfood bought for Storm who will be bed-and-breakfasting chez the Anderson-Barwins: check.
Lucky cat: check.
House keys dropped off with Liane and Marc. Oops. No check. Sailed past both their houses.
Globe and Mail picked up: WHATEVER FOR?
Wishful thinking: check.
Packed camera and iphone chargers: not yet. Don't rush me. And don't say check, it's getting annoying.
Wasted time writing emails: check.
Wasted time writing more emails: check.
Checked out my own blog: losercheck.

20 hours before takeoff. Ooo. Almost as many hours as the trip. How many of those hours will be frazzled? Will involve sleep? Will be spent repacking? Will be highlighted by record stair climbing and descending? Will involve sneaking stuff into Ali's bags?

Still to go:
Music lessons and cat drop-off.
Last laundry.
Last pack.
Last sleep.
Last laugh.

I am hoping that the butterflies in my stomach are some exotic Malaysia species of butterfly full of vibrant colour. Check.



  1. dear all of the Talibs
    have fun traveling on plane, on train. can't wait to hear from you Hannah!
    Sincerely Liam! :-D

  2. How could you leave me in this mad house of hostile cats, wrestling boys, and a big black hungry dog? The female adult human is nice to me but she says you called me daft- is this true?
    Missing you desperately,
