Monday 28 March 2011

The Scott-Talibs have not yet left the building...


So it's 48 hours before take-off...only a few things to deal with. A few hundred things. Definition of multitasking: chatting online with one friend while on the phone with another (now that's just plain rude), listening to Ali on the phone with his sister who is informing him there is a squid festival going at the island we will be visiting (what do the squid do in a festival, I wonder?), jotting down a request for a 96" tablecloth, ordering two last-minute white fair trade chocolate bars (a specific request from Malaysia...not from the squid, mind you), editing the last few pages of a book for a contract I am trying to complete, making a -- now cold -- cup of tea...and remembering to take some homeopathic jetlag tablets. Homeopathic jetlag tablets? Homeo, homeo, wherefore art thou, homeo...

Stay tuned. This blog may be filled with silly news, or it may be completely empty for the entire trip because, well, it's all just been too mad. Truly mad. Truly madly deeply.

Maddeningly flustered,


  1. yay! can't wait to read about your adventures...
    did i say yay??
    love you all, have fun! s xo

  2. Way cool! You've just become one of my homepages so we can keep tabs on you.

    Have a great time!

